Silvermerc Designs Celebrates Mothers on this Mothers Day

Silvermerc Designs celebrates Ruchi Narang -A Healthcare Professional from Jaipur


A Healthcare Professional from Jaipur


COViD - The name says it all - the most dreadful disease, because of which the whole world was sitting inside their homes, afraid of being Covid Positive, this lady was on field helping thousands of patients to get treated and save lives - Mentally, Physically, Morally, Counselling them without even caring about her own health n life. Working at one of the biggest private hospitals in Rajasthan - SDMH, Ruchi Narang is not only a Covid Warrior but a Survivor too. Just after she survived from deadly covid and struggled for life for almost 2 months, she came back with a bang and selflessly did whatever she could to help & save souls.

Absolutely, being a mother and a healthcare worker during the pandemic is an incredible challenge. Ruchi Narang has shown exceptional dedication and selflessness to her profession while also being a devoted parent. Her commitment to her work and humanity is truly remarkable, and her actions serve as an inspiration to us all. It is important to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices made by healthcare workers like her who have put their own lives on the line to help others during this challenging time. We should all strive to contribute to the betterment of society in our own way, just as Ruchi Narang has done.

That is truly inspiring! It takes a lot of courage and selflessness to risk one's own health to help others during such a challenging time. People like Ruchi Narang are the true heroes who have shown extraordinary dedication and commitment towards their profession and humanity. It is heartening to know that even in the face of adversity, there are people like her who have dedicated their lives to helping others. Their actions serve as an inspiration to all of us and remind us of the power of selflessness and kindness. We should all take inspiration from such individuals and strive to contribute to the betterment of society in our own way.


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Ruchi, it is great to know the above about you, you have always been kind and supportive, keep up the great work, more power to you girl !!

Arpita Jain

Thank you so much everyone. I am truly touched and overwhelmed by your love n confidence in me. Thanks to Deepika who acknowledged my work and thought of sharing.

Thanks a lot everyone 🙏🙏

Ruchi Narang

Ruchi is a rare
combination of Beauty with brains and boldness since college times. You are true inspiration. Keep smiling and keep rising.

Dr Sanjoli Jain

Undoubtedly she is a fighter, survivor, super mom and beautiful person with a golden heart.
Stay always like this bold and beautiful!!
God bless you loads of love !!!

Pallavi Singh

Undoubtedly she is a fighter, survivor, super mom and beautiful person with a golden heart.
Stay always like this bold and beautiful!!
God bless you loads of love !!!

Pallavi Singh

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